Régine Feltkamp
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- German
Régine Feltkamp has a broad business law expertise but particularly focusses on regulated businesses (energy sector, banking/finance sector). Lately she focusses on the digital transition projects in regulated industries (energy sector / finance sector).
Besides the matters typically related to the legal frameworks applicable to these sectors, her work is related to matters of contract, liability, general business and corporate law.
Régine has a longstanding experience in drafting, negotiating and counselling on various types of business agreements and in managing (international) multiparty contract negotiations (including legal project management). Over the past year she has been closely involved in the European market coupling projects in the energy sector connecting TSOs and NEMOs throughout Europe.
Régine has also participated in the drafting of various laws and regulations in her practice areas, amongst which laws related to the energy sector as well as the Belgian Code of Economic Law commissioned by the Belgian Ministry of Economy.
Régine is professor at law at the Free University of Brussels where she teaches the lectures Financial and Economic Law and Selected topics of contract law. She was appointed for the lectures of Principles of private law (2007-18), Law on property & real collateral (2009 -12) and for a remplacement for Financial and Monetary Law (2014-16).
- Law degree (Vrije Universiteit Brussel 1995)
- Master degree Business Law (Université Libre de Bruxelles 1997)
- Doctorate degree (PhD) with dissertation on the assignment of receivables) (Vrije Universiteit Brussel 2004)
- Lawyer at the Brussels Bar since 1998 (Coudert Brothers LLP, Coopens Van Ommeslaghe & Faurès (2005); Eubelius (2007); R.R. Feltkamp Advocatenkantoor (since 2007) participating in Modo advocaten (2011-20) and now in Ariga (since 2021)
- Professor at law at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (since 2007 – Selected topics of contract law, Financial and Economic law, Principles of private law, Law on property & real collateral (2009-12) , financial and monetary aw (2014-2016)
- Regular speaker at conferences in matters related to her practice areas
- Co-founder and chairman Research Unit Business & Contracts (BuCo) VUB since 2009
- Member of board of directors (European Association for Banking and Finance Law- Belgian division (AEDBF/EVBFR), Margarita Production (2013-14), Laeken.Brussels (2016-2018)
- Member of the editorial of different law journals (Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht, TRRV)
- Expert for the Belgian Commission for unfair contract terms
- Alternative financing
- Asset based financing (focus aircraft financing)
- Bank guarantees
- Bond issues
- Collateral contracts and structuring
- Consumer protection
- Credit facilities
- Crowdfunding
- Crowdfunding platforms
- E-money
- Finch (blockchain, apps, cryptocurrencies)
- Financial litigation
- Financial services
- Funds
- General terms and conditions
- Investment services
- Investment funds
- Licensing obligations
- Loans
- Regulatory compliance
- Private equity
- SME financing
- Sustainable investments
- Trading venues
- Wealth management
- Wholesale trading
- Circular economy
- Commercial agency[RF1]
- Commercial litigation and arbitration
- Commercial partnership agreements[RF2]
- Contracting[CD3]
- Debt collection
- Distribution contracts
- Franchise[RF4]
- General and specific terms and conditions
- Import and Export
- International Sales Contract
- Commercial litigation
- Sale/supply/manufacturing/purchase contracts
- Sharing economy
- Service Contracts
- Bank Guarantees
- Mortgages
- Personal guarantees
- Pledge Agreements ((aircraft pledges, receivable pledges, floating charges, account pledges etc)
- Sett-off
- Transfer of securities as security
- Class action
- Consumer information
- Digital content and services
- Litigation and alternative dispute settlement
- Market practices
- Sale by distance means of communication
- Sale of consumer goods
- Unfair contract terms
- Arbitration clauses
- Asset purchase contract
- B2B contract unfair contract terms
- B2C unfair contract terms
- Contractual liability
- Cooperation contracts
- Dispute settlement clauses
- Distribution contracts
- General terms and conditions
- License agreements
- Mandate Agreements
- Sale/purchase agreement
- Share Purchase contract
- Shareholders agreements
Recognized specific and longstanding expertise in wholesale energy transactions and in particular related to:
- EU wide market coupling (day-ahaed market coupling mechanisms, intraday continuous market coupling mechanisms and intraday auction mechanisms)
- organization and functioning of exchanges and (market)platforms,
- rules regarding market integrity (REMIT, insider trading and market abuses),
- digital transition: smart and digital / AI, cloud computing services, internet of things (IoT) for the energy market (in particular in the context of the energy transition), SAAs, data exchange platforms;
- renewables: optimisation of balancing costs related to renewables / portofolio management (including by use of AI)
- product qualification;
- supply & production: licences/regulatory requirements, PPAs
- energy community regulation and set up
- hydrogen supply & markets
- trading: trading contracts, trading facilities, regulatory compliance
- Articles of association
- Capital increase / decrease
- Corporate housekeeping
- Corporate litigation
- Daily functioning
- Directors liability
- Dispute resolution
- Governance
- Incoporation
- M&A
- Management agreements
- Non profit organisations
- Reorganisation
- Shareholders conflicts
- Shareholders agreements
- Share pledges
- Start-up structuring
R. Feltkamp, Hoofdlijnen Financieel en Economisch Recht VUB 2023-24, syllabus voor het college Financieel en Economisch Recht aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel (online publicatie 2024)
R. FELTKAMP, "Boek 5 BW en het nieuwe verbintenisrechtelijk evenwicht voor een duurzame samenleving: licht in de duisternis?", in T. Vansweevelt en B. Weytts (Eds.), Boek 1 en Boek 5 BW: een kritische commentaar op het nieuwe verbintenissenrecht, 2023, Lefebvre Sarrut Belgium
R. FELTKAMP, Mandatory exnovation measures and the freedom to conduct a business (March 19, 2023), available at SSRN.
R. Feltkamp, Hoofdlijnen van Financieel- en Economisch Recht, mede getoetst aan de noodwendigheden van een duurzame samenleving, 2023, Hfst1-3, Syllabus Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2022-23.
R. FELTKAMP, "Quel droit privé pour une société durable : question nécessaire, aberration ou litanie idéologique?", in Liber amicorum Xavier Dieux, Brussel, Larcier, 2022, p. 781-794
R. FELTKAMP en T. HERMANS, "The (legal) concept of waste: An obstacle for circular economy activities (in the Brussels Capital Region)?", https://www.researchgate.net/p...
R. FELTKAMP en P. CAMBIE, Een gemeenrechtelijke regeling inzake onrechtmatige bedingen:(g)een valabel substituut voor de B2B-wet, RW 2022, p. 1571-1586
R. FELTKAMP, L. CORNELIS & A. FRANCOIS, Le droit privé au service d’une société durable : rêve ou réalité démocratique ?, A. VAN HOE and G. CROISSANT (eds.), Duurzaamheid en Recht – Le Droit et la durabilité, Brussels, RDC/TBH and Larcier/Intersentia, 2022, p. 105-177 also published on www.lawbackontrack.org
R. Feltkamp & L. Cornelis, Boek 1 Nieuw Burgerlijk Wetboek (algemeen deel): zoektocht naar oplossingen voor een privaatrecht op maat van de hedendaagse maatschappelijke uitdagingen - Aflevering 3: Back to the future?, Mei 2021, R. Feltkamp & L. Cornelis, Boek 1 Nieuw Burgerlijk Wetboek (algemeen deel): zoektocht naar oplossingen voor een privaatrecht ohttps://corporatefinancelab.or...p maat van de hedendaagse maatschappelijke uitdagingen - Aflevering 3: Back to the future?, Mei 2021, https://corporatefinancelab
R. FELTKAMP & L. CORNELIS, Boek 1 Nieuw Burgerlijk Wetboek (algemeen deel): zoektocht naar oplossingen voor een privaatrecht op maat van de hedendaagse maatschappelijke uitdagingen - Aflevering 2: Over het BW als fundament van de privaatrechtelijke ordening en het einde van de rechtspraak als bron van privaatrecht, Mei 2021, https://corporatefinancelab.or...
R. FELTKAMP & L. CORNELIS, Boek 1 Nieuw Burgerlijk Wetboek (algemeen deel): zoektocht naar oplossingen voor een privaatrecht op maat van de hedendaagse maatschappelijke uitdagingen. Pilot – afl. 1: Van geen kwaad bewust?, May 2021, https://corporatefinancelab.or...
R. FELTKAMP & A. DOOTALIEVA, Exnovation in the Brussels Capital Region – What Effective Governance Power Does the Brussels Capital Region Have? (working paper - extract)
R. FELTKAMP, Hoofdlijnen van Financieel en Economisch Recht 2019-20, VUB, online text
D. CHOCHITAICHVILI et R. FELTKAMP, Le droit économique et la crise - La Liberté d'entreprendre (en periode de) crise, à paraitre RDC/TBH 2021, extract
R. FELTKAMP, “Overdracht tot zekerheid van schuldvorderingen: een bijzonder(e zeker)heid?”, TBBR 2017, p. 215-242
R. FELTKAMP and G. HENDRIKX, “Power Exchanges and Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management: A New Role in a Better Regulatory Environment?”, OGEL, 2017, electronic version
R. FELTKAMP, Digitale consumptie: (Hoe goed) is de consument beschermd bij levering van digitale goederen of diensten?, 2018, to be published, extract working paper
"provides 'high-quality advice within a short time frame and at a very reasonable cost' in the energy sector. It regularly advises on energy transition and digital transformation projects, and attracts praise for providing 'added value for legal services covering a combination of information technology and energy matters'. Practice head Régine Feltkamp, who focuses on transactional and advisory matters, is highlighted as 'a good strategist and negotiator'
‘Thanks to a combination of the senior and junior resources the customer benefits from the deliverables with very high professional standards for a reasonable cost.’
"specialists do not only bring deep legal expertise in multi-client projects, but they also facilitate challenging legal negotiations among clients and the suppliers with the focus on the efficient process for reaching goals defined by the business interest of the clients.‘